Latest news
  1. πŸ† Join Our Team! πŸ†
  2. Welcome to the 2025 Winter season with Wentowrth Falls Football Club!
  3. WFFC Magazine: Issue 01
  4. Persistent Rainfall, Proactive Responses: Managing Wet Weather Challenges
  5. 2024 Winter Season Registration

About Us

Pitt Park, Matcham Ave, Wentworth Falls
Pitt Park, Matcham Ave, Wentworth Falls


Facebook :
Mail : PO BOX 39, Wentworth Falls, NSW 2782
In Person : Pitt Park, Matcham Ave, Wentworth Falls (Game Days Only)

Please use the contact us form and your enquiry will be sent to a central mailbox and fowarded to the relevant Committee Member.

If your enquiry is about a specific matter it will be faster to email the relevant person directly:

General Enquiries: via Facebook chat (preferred) or

New Players and Registrations:

Canteen and Merchandise:


Female Football:


President : Isabel Arnaiz
Vice President : Micheal Kocoski
Secretary : Moneeka Bali
Treasurer : Cassandra Spees
Registrar : Brad & Carrie Flack
Coaching Coordinator : Emma Keir
Member Protection Officer : Casson Levy
Competition Secretary : Malcolm Clines
Canteen Coordinator : Sharon Alexander Rice

A full list of our committe is provided in our Member Handbook.

A description of all our committee positions is procided in our Committee Handbook.

Contact Form