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Injuries & Insurance

Injury Insurance Claim Process

Injury claim forms are completed online through the claims’ portal on the FNSW Insurance website only.

The online claim process enables claimants to apply and upload documents and receipts online for quicker processing.

To lodge an injury go to Lodge your Claim online.

  • The claimant registers and completes the claim form online.
  • The Club Declaration and Physician’s Statement forms are both downloaded and printed by the claimant from the claims’ portal.
  • The Club Declaration is to be emailed to to be completed by the club and is then saved and uploaded to the claims portal by the claimant.
  • The Physician’s Statement is completed by the claimant’s Doctor or Specialist and is then saved and uploaded to the claims’ portal by the claimant.
  • Alternatively these documents can be emailed to or posted to Gow-Gates Claims, PO Box 4731, Sydney NSW 2001 and cc’d to .au so a record of the injury is kept by the Club for future reference if needed.


Refer to the following links for information on the coverage of the insurance.

What is covered?

If a player is unable to play for the rest of the season due to injury and you have made a claim do not deregister the player as this might affect the insurance claim. Check with the insurer first.